Bill Rickert, Fort Bend County Treasurer

Mission Statement
The mission of the County Treasurer’s Office is to manage the financial resources within our scope effectively and efficiently while encouraging prudent financial practices in Fort Bend County, Texas.
Vision Statement
The overall vision of the County Treasurer’s Office is to prioritize the interests of Fort Bend taxpayers by providing highly competent investment and funds management, offering the best customer service, delivering the highest quality operational services, and creating a productive employee work environment. We strive to stand out as an exemplary office of the treasury in the State of Texas. This vision is further defined to state that the Treasurer’s Office staff will:
Provide Fort Bend taxpayers an excellent value
Excellent value to Fort Bend County taxpayers implies highly competent investment and funds management; and initiative and creativity regarding achieving; the objectives of the county’s investment policy, execution of transactions and achieving maximum savings without compromising other office objectives.
Offer the best customer service
Excellent customer service implies an effort to understand customer needs, a timely and appropriate response, and a proactive approach to solving problems.
Deliver the highest quality operational services
Providing high-quality services requires the pursuit of operating practices within the office that utilize valuable resources efficiently.
Create a productive employee work environment
A productive employee work environment implies teamwork, satisfied and motivated staff, and an appropriate set of core objectives and values.
The Office of the Fort Bend County Treasurer handles money that belongs to all the citizens of Fort Bend County. We are committed to managing your money honestly, efficiently, responsibly, and professionally, and to maintaining Fort Bend’s hard-earned reputation as a fiscally responsible and disciplined county.
Duties and Responsibilities
Core duties include receiving, keeping and accounting, paying, applying, and disbursing all monies belonging to the county.
Other duties include: original reconciliation and safekeeping of the county bank accounts; custodian of bail bond collateral; custodian for revenue bond funds, including initial issuance, establishment of accounts, acceptance of original funds, issuance of bond funds to various paying agents; agent for state reports and payments on certain accounts; payroll officer for the county: authorizing deductions of social security, county retirement, group health insurance, credit union, deferred compensation, and savings bonds of county employees. The County Treasurer is also responsible for collecting delinquent funds other than taxes.
The County Treasurer also serves as Treasurer for Fort Bend Flood Control Water Supply Corporation, Fort Bend Parkway Road District, Fort Bend Drainage District, Fort Bend Toll Road Authority, Fort Bend Toll Road Operations; receipting fees for tolls.