Public Transportation | Important Notices


Effective Monday, February 3, 2025.

Use of the John Freeman stop will resume.

The emergency repair work at John Freeman & Fannin is complete. TMC stop #7 will return to the Metro stop on John Freeman at Fannin.


Your safety is our highest priority!

All commuter passengers are required to wait at the designated pick up/drop off locations for their ride. This policy was adopted to prevent potential accidents or other safety concerns such as passengers chasing buses, running across parking lot parking aisles and through-ways, running in front of/behind or alongside buses while they are stationary and in motion.

Over the last few weeks, these exact behaviors have been witnessed at our park and rides and must be addressed.

Our bus operators WILL NOT stop to pick up passengers who are not at the designated pick up location at the scheduled time. We are sure you understand that if a rider was to collide with a bus, the bus would win. That really isn’t how you or we want to start our day.

Please be mindful of buses and other moving vehicles in the park and ride area. Please be respectful of other riders and arrive on time for your scheduled departure.

For more specific information, our passengers guidelines are posted on our website for your review. They clearly define the responsibilities of both operator and passenger, passenger interaction with drivers, passenger conduct on-board vehicles and within County facilities and filing compliments or complaints. Passengers who present a threat to the safe conduct of our operations or themselves will be removed from vehicles and County facilities.

Safety means zero accidents. We want you all to arrive home safely.

Thank you for choosing Fort Bend Transit for your transit needs!

Fort Bend Transit - Texas Medical Center

Street Closure / Stop Closure Due to the emergency repair work, beginning Monday, December 16, 2024, one lane and the sidewalk of John Freeman Blvd. at Fanning Street will be impacted. Fort Bend Transit will not make the John Freeman Stop starting December 16th. Notices will be posted online once the original route resumes. Posted December 12, 2024

Contacting Public Transportation

For calls that are outside business hours, please dial 281-633-7433 and select option 1 to reach our Dispatchers.

For all emergencies, please dial 911.

Fort Bend Transit

Please notice that we’ve made a few changes to our website.  All NOTICES will be posted under the Important Notices tab.  Thank you for your continued support.


About Fort Bend Transit

Fort Bend County Public Transportation Transit Administration

In 2005, the Fort Bend County Commissioners Court approved the creation of the Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department (FBCPTD) to serve the general public in Fort Bend County.  The purpose of the FBCPTD was to provide seamless service between urban and rural communities; access rural transit funding and increase services to residents in Fort Bend County without increasing a financial burden to the taxpayers.  Today, the Fort Bend County Public Transportation Department is known as Fort Bend Transit (FBT).

Fort Bend Transit’s mission is to provide safe and efficient public transportation services while maintaining service quality and customer satisfaction.

FBT provides approximately 392, 000 annual passenger trips (data from October 2018 – September 2019) to destinations in Fort Bend and Harris Counties.  The services provided are Demand Response and Commuter Park and Ride Services.  FBT is located in Rosenberg and has a core inventory of vehicles as well as a fleet provided through a contracted service provider.

Demand Response Service is a curb-to-curb, shared-ride service that covers all of Fort Bend County. Customers must register for the service over the phone and may start making their reservations at least one (1) day in advance or up to thirty (30) days in advance.  Demand Response Service operates Monday through Friday, excluding County acknowledged holidays, from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm.

Commuter Park and Ride Service provide weekday service to the Texas Medical Center & Greenway Plaza area.  Services operate from three (3) park and ride lot locations: (1) in Rosenberg at the Fort Bend County Fairgrounds and two (2) in Sugar Land at the University of Houston – Sugar Land and three (3) the AMC Theatre at First Colony.  Commuter service includes morning and evening schedules.  These services consists of rides from Fort Bend County Monday through Friday excluding county holidays. Services begin as early as 4:35 a.m. and ends as late as 8:45 p.m. There is currently no weekend service.



Fort Bend Transit is pleased to introduce the Token Transit app

The tickets you used to be able to purchase online and at our office are now available as “Passes” on our new Token Transit app. Riders now have a convenient way to purchase and use the passes instantly.

Download the app today!


Fort Bend Transit has updated its Passenger Guidelines. To view the guidelines, click here. 

Title VI Statement

FBC Transit Bus

Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs & activities receiving Federal financial assistance (42 U.S.C. Section 2000d).

Fort Bend County is committed to ensuring that no individual who uses our services is excluded from participation, denied benefits, or discriminated against. If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination you may file a complaint by calling the Fort Bend County Civil Rights Officer at 281-633-RIDE, or via email at:

Complaints may also be filed with the following organization no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination:

Federal Transit Administration’s Office of Civil Rights
ATTN: Title VI Program Coordinator
East Building, 5th Floor – TCR
1200 New Jersey Ave., SE
Washington, DC 20590

Additional information may be requested by contacting the Civil Rights Officer at 281-633-RIDE.

Title VI Notice to the Public – KNOW YOUR RIGHTS [PDF]

Fort Bend Transit

3737 Bamore Road
Rosenberg, TX 77471

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