Public Transportation

A Citizen’s Guide for Public Involvement

The purpose of this PPP is to provide guidance when seeking public input related to projects and service changes and to identify techniques and methodologies for soliciting and considering public input.

The Public Transportation Plan (PPP) is a guide for FBCPT’s ongoing public participation activities. The purpose of this PPP is to provide guidance when seeking public input related to projects and service changes and to identify techniques and methodologies for soliciting and considering public input. The PPP aims to offer early and continuous opportunities for the public to be involved in the decision making process and to consider the identification of social, economic, and environmental impacts of proposed transportation decisions. It is intended as a guide on how FBCPT will sustain its efforts to engage community members throughout the service area. The PPP is intended to evolve to meet the changing needs of the community and FBCPT may periodically review and revise these methods to incorporate new and innovative ways to involve the public in transportation decision-making processes.
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