County Judge
Road and Bridge

Fort Bend County Working to Manage Mosquitoes After Flooding

Fort Bend County’s Road and Bridge Department has been monitoring the mosquito population with the expectation of an increase due to standing water left over from flooded areas.

Fort Bend County Officials have determined Aerial Vector Mosquito spraying to be unnecessary for the control of mosquito populations within the county, at this time. Due to the recent May 2016 county wide flooding event, Fort Bend County’s Road and Bridge Department has been monitoring the mosquito population with the expectation of an increase due to standing water left over from flooded areas. As a preventative measure, FBC Road and Bridge has been spraying within a three mile area of the river across the county twice per week. Traps set up throughout the county have shown very low volumes of mosquitoes making the Aerial spray unnecessary at this time. Fort Bend County Judge Bob Hebert said, "I'm very pleased that our local efforts to control mosquitoes is showing great results. We'll keep monitoring our traps and are prepared to aerial spray the area if we see a spike in population." The county is also using a larvicide disk thrown into standing water used to exterminate larvae to control the mosquito population in areas where water removal is not possible, such as ditches and heavily wooded areas. To help with these efforts to limit the mosquito population in the county, residents are encouraged to eliminate standing water if possible, dispose of debris that may hold water, and keep yards mowed and hedges trimmed. For questions, residents living in the unincorporated areas of Fort Bend County may call 281-342-4513. Residents living within a local jurisdiction should call their city for more information regarding municipal mosquito control efforts.
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