If you are a victim, the guardian of a victim, or the close relative of a deceased victim of a violent crime; such as aggravated robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault, trafficking of persons, or you have suffered personal injury or death due to the criminal conduct of another, you have rights within our justice system. Our priority is your safety. The District Attorney's Victim Witness Division is dedicated to guiding you through the criminal justice system, which is sometimes difficult to understand. Our division works tirelessly to answer any of your questions regarding your case. We will keep you informed of any court appearances the accused makes, the case status, and coordinate meetings with victims and the prosecutors. We are here to connect you with counseling, assistance with applying for Crime Victims' Compensation, and any other resources you may need. If you have any questions, please call us at 281-238-3260.
IMPORTANT NOTE: After reporting an incident, please first contact the victim liaison at the law enforcement agency the crime was reported to. Once they confirm that the case has been submitted to the District Attorney’s Office, please feel free to call us 281-341-4460.
Flowchart of Criminal Justice Process/Diagrama de flujo del proceso de justicia penal
Si eres una victima, el guardian de una victima o un familiar cercano de una victima fallecida por un crimen violento tal como robo agravado, secuestro, agresion sexual, trata de personas, o si ha sufrido lesiones o muerte debido a la actividad delincuente de otra persona, usted tiene derechos en nuestro sistema de justicia. Nuestra prioridad es su seguridad. La Division de Victimas y Testigos en la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito es dedicada a guiarles por el sistema de justicia penal que son a veces dificil de entender. Nuestro departamento trabaja incansablemente para responder cualquier pregunta sobre su caso. Le mantendremos informado de las apariciones en corte del acusado, estado del caso, y para coordinar juntas con las victimas y los fiscales. Estamos aqui para conectarlo con asesoramiento, proporcionar asistencia para solicitar indemnizaciones a las victimas de delitos, y cualquier otros recursos que necesite. Si tiene alguna pregunta llamenos al 281-238-1993.